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As a homeowner, you should always protect your most valued asset. Not only does your home house your important loved ones, but it likely holds a large sentimental value. When reflecting on the safety of your home, it’s important to remember that windows are typically the most fragile and vulnerable point of entry. Windows can be a target for thieves, and a major threat during storms—there’s a reason why you’re told to seek shelter in a room without windows during tornadoes and other severe weather incidents.

Luckily, window films provide a low-cost solution that aids in crime prevention and accident avoidance. But how exactly do they work to provide this safety and security?

The most notable way a window film can protect your family is that it can prevent an intruder from gaining access to your home. Untreated glass windows can be shattered with very little effort. A piece of glass that has been treated with a film is much harder to break—and even if the glass is shattered, the fragments can be held in place by the film. Burglars who attempt to break through a security film will find that it takes more effort, which garners much more attention. This can cause intruders to move on to the next, easier target.

But we all know glass doesn’t just shatter due to unwelcome visitors—a stray baseball or strong wind from a storm can crack your windows too. So while we often point to window films protecting from intruders, it’s worth noting that the elements and household accidents are far more likely to cause harm to your home’s windows. When untreated glass breaks, no matter how, it launches shards all over your floor, which can injure your family members and pets.

You can seek protection from breakage and dramatically reduce risks with residential security film from EP Window Films. You can’t always control what happens in and around your house, but you can maintain a sense of safety knowing that there’s one more barrier between you and danger. Call our experienced professionals today to learn more about what will work best for your home and enhance your family’s security.

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