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When contemplating the benefits of residential or commercial window tinting, we often hear about all the money-saving properties of window films. But window tints don’t just save you dollars on your electricity bill or protect your belongings from fading—they also protect from an increasingly annoying problem that almost everyone faces.

Picture this: You’ve settled into your living room couch, and you power up your favorite electronic device to watch some Netflix or catch up on the news. If there’s any inkling of sunlight coming from behind you, there’s going to be a glare on your screen. Even if it’s not the most sun-flooded room at high noon, you’re likely going to have to work around a pesky reflection to adequately read your screen.

In this situation, a typical response would be to close the curtains, draw the shades, or reposition yourself and your furniture to find an angle that works. But instead of rejecting the daylight altogether, you can invest in a specialty window film to get rid of this problem for good.

Window films feature glare-reducing technologies that provide you with the ideal environment for spending time on electronics. They reflect away the harsh UV rays that impede your screen time, improving the comfort of your living space. You don’t have to struggle to read your phone or sacrifice natural light when you have a residential window film. These tints can filter this light and even decrease the eye fatigue that comes with direct sunlight and glare.

If you’re considering window tints but don’t know where to start, call EP Window Films at 832-271-3750. We’re the most trusted and recommended window specialists in Houston, and we would be happy to discuss your options and help you decide what products would work best in your home.

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